Last updated on November 7th, 2024 at 07:40 am
"Perfect health, long life and eternal youth are not the random genetic blessings of a chaotic or capricious universe, but natural birthrights that can be accessed through the mindful acceptance of simple truths, activated by the committed practice of proven activities, and sustained by advancement along a single known path. This is that path." --Walt Goodridge, the ageless adept!
The S.W.E.A.T. Manifesto
Sunlight, Water, Earth, Air & Time
the basis of all real cure
According to the Ageless Adept, the basis of any real cure—any cure with the potential to really eliminate illness—has been and always will be the result of harnessing the power of the sun, water, earth, air or time in some form. The acronym is S.W.E.A.T. This is the S.W.E.A.T. Manifesto. (60pp; 5.06" x 7.81"; ISBN: 9781095420577) The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you've read it! (And, it's also much easier to share with others!)
• The S.W.E.A.T. Manifesto is more than just a title. It's a reminder of the true, underlying basis of real health and how to achieve it.

• The S.W.E.A.T. Manifesto is more than just a title. It's a reminder of the true, underlying basis of real health and how to achieve it.
A Clean Cell Never Dies!
How to conduct your own experiment in physical immortality
Proper nutrition and removal of waste. This is the simple formula for longevity for which no practical lifestyle guide has ever existed. A Clean Cell Never Dies will show you how to fulfill these two requirements for your own experiment in age reversal and longevity. (220pp; 5.06" x 7.81"; ISBN: 9781540755414)
The practices and protocols in Yesterday's You are now included in A Clean Cell Never Dies

• A Clean Cell Never Dies is more than just a title. It's a command, a reminder as well as an affirmation, your new personal mantra that you'll see and hear each time you glance at your shelf! Read more here
The Master Shopping List, Substitution Checklist & Immunity Top 10
Tips for Living a Natural Life in an Unnatural World
I've distilled my results into the Ageless Adept™ philosophy and protocols I hope will (1) empower people to become their own authority in matters of health, and (2) simplify choosing the products and practices you'll encounter on your own path to perfect health, long life and the fountain of youth! In The Master Shopping List, I've include the products I have on hand to live a natural life in an unnatural world, function cleanly, activate the body's healing code and grow younger!
Fit to Breed...Forever!
10 causes of impotence THEY don’t want you to know about
probably because there’s no money in the simple cures and treatments for male impotence that can help improve and maintain your erection
If you are impotent it is because Nature has classified you "UNFIT TO BREED."
The good news?
You CAN get yourself "reclassified!"

• Fit to Breed is more than just a title. It's a command, a reminder as well as an affirmation ("I am fit to breed"), your new personal mantra that you'll see and hear each time you glance at your shelf!
The Man Who Lived Forever (formerly The Ageless Adept)
A story of perfect health, long life, and the fountain of youth
What if it were possible to activate your body's dormant healing code and remain ageless? What if you could meet & learn from an adept who knew the secret? (206 pp; 6" x 9")
What if it were possible to activate your body's dormant healing code and remain ageless? What if you could meet & learn from an adept who knew the secret? (206 pp; 6" x 9") The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you've read it! (And, it's also much easier to share with others!)
• The Man Who Lived Forever is more than just a title. It's a reminder of an ideal to aspire to that you'll see and hear each time you glance at your shelf! Read more

• The Man Who Lived Forever is more than just a title. It's a reminder of an ideal to aspire to that you'll see and hear each time you glance at your shelf! Read more
The Fast & Grow Young™ series
Take control.

"Nature's First Cure"
"The Universe is perfect, nature is foolproof, and the body is coded to heal. The concept behind the practice of fasting is simple: allow the body time to rest from the energy-consuming process of digestion and assimilation, in order to activate its healing code and divert all its energy toward reversing and curing illness and ultimately... to rejuvenation." --Walt Goodridge
"The Universe is perfect, nature is foolproof, and the body is coded to heal. The concept behind the practice of fasting is simple: allow the body time to rest from the energy-consuming process of digestion and assimilation, in order to activate its healing code and divert all its energy toward reversing and curing illness and ultimately... to rejuvenation." --Walt Goodridge
Fast & Grow Young
Herbert Shelton's Hygienic System Vol III
"Excellent work on Fasting. Contains numerous references to additional
works by doctors in the field circa time of the writing. ...The best on fasting I have come across so far."--Amazon 5-star review
Fast & Grow Young is the modern reissue of Herbert Shelton’s Hygienic System Vol II. (1934) Years of research on thousands of cases resulted in this timeless, definitive work on the evolutionary basis and biological benefits of the extended water fast. The body is, in fact, coded to heal. Fasting allows the body's digestive system to rest, switch into "repair and removal" mode and begin the natural process of healing that has been encoded within every cell of the body. But there's more! An extended fast achieves remarkable reversal and rejuvenation! Many people never get to experience the dissolution of tumors, the reversal of chronic conditions, the improvement of eyesight, hearing and sense of smell that occur during an extended fast. Discover nature's simplest, but most profound secret, and how to do it right! The publisher's new "Stages of Fasting" & "How to Break a Fast" sections have been added to this volume. (470pp; 6"x9"; ISBN:978-1494413798) The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you've read it! (And, it's also much easier to share with others!)
• Fast and Grow Young is more than just a title. It is a command as well as an affirmation (i.e., "Fast and grow young." "I fast and grow young.") that you'll see and hear each time you glance at your shelf!
Fast & Grow Young is the modern reissue of Herbert Shelton’s Hygienic System Vol II. (1934) Years of research on thousands of cases resulted in this timeless, definitive work on the evolutionary basis and biological benefits of the extended water fast. The body is, in fact, coded to heal. Fasting allows the body's digestive system to rest, switch into "repair and removal" mode and begin the natural process of healing that has been encoded within every cell of the body. But there's more! An extended fast achieves remarkable reversal and rejuvenation! Many people never get to experience the dissolution of tumors, the reversal of chronic conditions, the improvement of eyesight, hearing and sense of smell that occur during an extended fast. Discover nature's simplest, but most profound secret, and how to do it right! The publisher's new "Stages of Fasting" & "How to Break a Fast" sections have been added to this volume. (470pp; 6"x9"; ISBN:978-1494413798)

• Fast and Grow Young is more than just a title. It is a command as well as an affirmation (i.e., "Fast and grow young." "I fast and grow young.") that you'll see and hear each time you glance at your shelf!
The Fast & Grow Young REBOOT Log!
Journal Pages & Mindchecks to Help you Think & Fast Long!
To help you get through an extended water fast, it often helps to incorporate some discipline and habits into the process. The "Reboot!" log book provides you with a handy place to chronicle, document and record your progress--when you wake, how you feel, when you have bowel movements, when you do your enemas, along with any ideas, epiphanies and dreams! You'll find it handy months or even years later when you do your next fast!
But that's not all. When it comes to a successful extended fast, the most important dialogues you'll have are the conversations in your own mind--the private thoughts through which you identify and reconcile the beliefs, doubts, concerns and fears as well as the decisions, behavior and habits that ultimately affect your determination and discipline to succeed.
My Think & Fast Long™ "mindchecks" are some of the recurring thoughts, ideas, quotes, and mantras (the things I say to myself every day of my fast) to keep that dialogue and my mind in check! I hope you find them helpful! The Ageless Adept
But that's not all. When it comes to a successful extended fast, the most important dialogues you'll have are the conversations in your own mind--the private thoughts through which you identify and reconcile the beliefs, doubts, concerns and fears as well as the decisions, behavior and habits that ultimately affect your determination and discipline to succeed.
My Think & Fast Long™ "mindchecks" are some of the recurring thoughts, ideas, quotes, and mantras (the things I say to myself every day of my fast) to keep that dialogue and my mind in check! I hope you find them helpful! The Ageless Adept
The Sun Cure
a Fast & Grow Young Supplement
The Sun Cure is the re-issue of chapters 38 to 46 of Shelton’s Hygienic System Vol II. These chapters from the original text were not included in Fast & Grow Young. Shelton explores and explains the numerous physiological, psychological and emotional benefits of direct exposure to sunlight. (90pp; 6"x9"; ISBN: 978-1986371179) The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you've read it! (And, it's also much easier to share with others!)
• The Sun Cure is more than just a title. It is a reminder, an affirmation ("The sun cures me") you'll hear in your mind each time you glance at your shelf.
Read more here

• The Sun Cure is more than just a title. It is a reminder, an affirmation ("The sun cures me") you'll hear in your mind each time you glance at your shelf.
COMING SOON: The Parasite Report
How to Starve, Suffocate, Poison, Zap, Shed, Scrape and Flush Parasites from Your System
..And Win The Worm War Once And For All!
COMING SOON in the Fast & Grow Young series
*TMI=Too much information
Worms are not a "Third World problem only affecting children." Many adults have worms and don't realize it. Others have symptoms--weak eyesight, constipation, hair loss, low energy--but believe it's all a normal part of aging It's not! Learn how to identify, then how to Starve, Suffocate, Poison, Zap, Shed, Scrape & Flush Parasites from Your System and Win The Worm War Once And For All! (198pp; 6"x9"; ISBN: 9781798507544)
The Power of Positive Eating...After the Fast!
How to stay healthy after an extended water fast
"Positive eating" is simply the habit of eating real food (Unmodified, raw, enzyme-rich fruits and vegetables eaten in as close to their natural state as possible) at times, in places, in ways and amounts that optimize its nutritional and therapeutic benefit, activate the body’s dormant healing code and have a positive rather than a negative effect on the body. (490pp; 6"x9"; ISBN: 9781537262994) The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you've read it! (And, it's also much easier to share with others!)
• The Power of Positive Eating...After the Fast is more than just a title. It's a reminder of your next steps, the standard you'll be setting after you accomplish your fast so you can continue to pursue perfect health, long life and the fountain of youth. Read more here

• The Power of Positive Eating...After the Fast is more than just a title. It's a reminder of your next steps, the standard you'll be setting after you accomplish your fast so you can continue to pursue perfect health, long life and the fountain of youth. Read more here
The Power of Positive Eating...FOR INFANTS!
The Power of Positive Eating…For Infants is a guide for raising healthy, happy, disease-free children. It includes chapters on prenatal care; how to nourish the feeding mothers; when babies should be born; what, when, how and how much to feed your child (plus foods you should never feed a baby!); building strong teeth; the dangers of having a fat baby; cow’s milk vs mother’s milk; should baby be weaned; regular “crimes” in feeding; feeding children from two to six years; how to determine if your child is healthy; signs of under-nutrition and more! (280pp; 6" x 9"; ISBN: 978-1519522368)
The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you've read it! (And, it's also much easier to share with others!)
• The Power of Positive Eating...For Infants is more than just a title. It's a reminder of a course of action that's under your control--one that will have lifelong implications for your children. Read more

• The Power of Positive Eating...For Infants is more than just a title. It's a reminder of a course of action that's under your control--one that will have lifelong implications for your children. Read more
Eye Can See Clearly Now
the modern reissue of Bernarr Macfadden's 1924—now public domain--work
Eye Can See Clearly Now (aka New Sight for Sore Eyes) is the modern reissue of Bernarr Macfadden’s Strengthening the EYES A System of Scientific Eye Training (1924). It offers information, illustrations and detailed instruction to clean, heal and strengthen the eyes. It includes dietary advice as well as therapies like air bathing, exercises and more. (140pp; 6"x9"; ISBN: 9781720822172 ) The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you've read it! (And, it's also much easier to share with others!)
• Eye Can See Clearly Now is more than just a title. It's a command, a reminder as well as an affirmation ("I can see clearly now") as well as the words of a catchy song that you'll see and hear each time you glance at your shelf!
Learn more

• Eye Can See Clearly Now is more than just a title. It's a command, a reminder as well as an affirmation ("I can see clearly now") as well as the words of a catchy song that you'll see and hear each time you glance at your shelf!
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New Sight for Sore Eyes
the modern reissue of Bernarr Macfadden's 1924—now public domain--work
New Sight for Sore Eyes (aka Eye Can See Clearly Now) is the modern reissue of Bernarr Macfadden’s Strengthening the EYES A System of Scientific Eye Training (1924). It offers information, illustrations and detailed instruction to clean, heal and strengthen the eyes. It includes dietary advice as well as therapies like air bathing, exercises and more. (140pp; 6"x9"; ISBN: 9781721049479) The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you've read it! (And, it's also much easier to share with others!)
• New Sight for Sore Eyes is more than just a title. It is a reminder of an idea, an affirmation ("I can achieve new sight for my sore eyes") you'll hear in your mind each time you glance at your bookshelf.Learn more

• New Sight for Sore Eyes is more than just a title. It is a reminder of an idea, an affirmation ("I can achieve new sight for my sore eyes") you'll hear in your mind each time you glance at your bookshelf.Learn more
Return to Nature
a modern re-issue
Return to Nature--the reissue of Adolf Just’s Return to Nature The True Natural Method Of Healing And Living & The True Salvation Of The Soul (1904). Learn how natural baths, light, air, clothing, earth's magnetic field, clay therapy, nutrition, meat and milk consumption affect health; cases and cures of illness from pneumonia to blindness; biblical references, child-rearing, farming and more-- "advanced" knowledge that's been around for over a century! (320pp; 6"x9"; ISBN:9781721870240) The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you've read it! (And, it's also much easier to share with others!)
• Return to Nature is more than just a title. It is a command as well as an affirmation (i.e., "Return to Nature now." "I return to Nature.") that you'll see and hear each time you glance at your shelf!.
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• Return to Nature is more than just a title. It is a command as well as an affirmation (i.e., "Return to Nature now." "I return to Nature.") that you'll see and hear each time you glance at your shelf!.
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Coded to Heal
The Long Lost Operations Manual for the Human Body
What if, at some period in man's distant past, there existed an "owner's operations manua;" for the human body? A manual containing information that had somehow been lost over the millennia. Such a manual would explain how to maintain your body for optimal function throughout your life. It would explain in simple terms what causes disease and how to avoid, fix and recover if such diseases developed in your body. You would know what to do, what not to do, what to eat, what not to eat, when to eat and even how to eat to keep the body functioning optimally? Coded to Heal (a reissue of Health via Food [1924] by William Howard Hay M.D.) is that long lost manual! (312pp; 6"x9"; ISBN: 978-1722248635) The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you've read it! (And, it's also much easier to share with others!)
• Coded to Heal is more than just a title. It's a command, a reminder as well as an affirmation ("My body is coded to heal"), your new personal mantra that you'll see and hear each time you glance at your shelf!
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• Coded to Heal is more than just a title. It's a command, a reminder as well as an affirmation ("My body is coded to heal"), your new personal mantra that you'll see and hear each time you glance at your shelf!
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Masculinity 2.0
The new relationship guidelines for men who want to be men, and the women who love them
Your sexuality and how you express and honor it are integral parts of your health and the philosophy of ageless living. These are a few new suggested relationship guidelines for men who want to be men, and the women who love them! (formerly titled "If you want to be my girlfriend...") (206 pages; 5.5" x 8.5"; ISBN: 978-1516905690) The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you've read it! (And, it's also much easier to share with others!)
• Masculinity 2.0 is more than just a title. It's a reminder of a set of standards you can choose to embrace and use to define yourself and your relationships.
Learn more

• Masculinity 2.0 is more than just a title. It's a reminder of a set of standards you can choose to embrace and use to define yourself and your relationships.
Be sure to visit @myAIdoctor on Youtube